Streaming Orqa FPV to the Computer


The ORQA FPV.Connect is a really cool addon for the ORQA FPV.One goggles.

However, the goggle feed live-streaming to another device feature has always been unreliable for me.

In this post I show you how to stream the live feed to your computer instead, which works much better.

TL;DR: rtsp://

A familiar sight when using the ORQA iOS app to view your goggle feed. The stream either won't start or abruptly stops. This is with the latest firmware & app versions on an iPhone 13 Pro.

There isn't much you can do to try and fix it within the app, so I decided to see if I could stream to my computer instead. To start, let's see if we can figure out how the app streams the feed.

We'll use the Android version instead of the iOS version because it's easier to inspect. The APK can be easily downloaded via public mirrors, like this one. From there, tools like apktool, dex2jar, and jd-gui can be used to transform the apk into other formats to look through.

After browsing the decompiled code for a while I found a familiar looking string, an RTSP URL. The rest of the string is parameters for ffmpeg, which the app uses to stream the video with behind the scenes.

With this URL we can stream the video feed with any player capable of RTSP streaming. I knew VLC was capable of this, so that's what I'm using.

The first step of course is to connect to the WiFi hotspot created by your goggles. The default password is 12345678.

To open an RTSP stream with VLC, select File->Open Network...
(If you're on Windows, select File->Open Network Stream instead)

Paste the RTSP URL into the URL field, and click Open.
(If you're on Windows, click Play instead)

The URL to view the live goggle feed is: rtsp://

It works! We can now view the live goggle feed on the computer instead of having to use the app.

Side note - it's pretty cool that the goggles are capable of streaming the HDMI input as well, here you can see that I'm streaming HDZero.

With the default VLC settings the video will still stop occasionally, probably due to wifi hiccups. We can fix this by enabling auto-reconnect in the VLC settings. To do this, go to Preferences->Show All->Input/Codecs->HTTP(S) and enable the feature.


- Clarify VLC selections for Windows users